Marble muffins recipe – step by step

Muffins in general are one of my favorite recipes to bake because they are very easy to make and allow you to spontaneously decide to make a dessert to offer to a visitor or simply to satisfy a craving.

On my YouTube channel I had already shown how to make a marble cake, and the reason I wanted to make the muffins is because the process is very similar and easy, in that it does not require a mixer, just three containers, a couple of spatulas and the ingredients.


Basically, the process consists of first mixing the dry ingredients (minus the sugar and cocoa powder) in a container, then the liquid ingredients plus the sugar in another container, and then unifying both. It is recommended to add the liquids mixture on top of the dry one because this facilitates the mixing, rather, it prevents us from overmixing. Subsequently, the mixture is divided into two, to one of the two batters the cocoa powder is added and mixed to obtain the chocolate part. Now the rest will be transferred to the muffin tin to bake.

When making muffins, you can use either regular or all-purpose flour. However, if possible, I recommend using a flour that has a low protein content so that it absorbs less liquid and at the same time generates less gluten. Both things will help give the muffins a moist, fluffy texture.

It is possible that when mixing the ingredients, some lumps form in the batter. Sometimes it’s not a big deal and these lumps will break up during baking, but my experience with this particular recipe is that you need to mix with a balloon whisk to make the batter more uniform. That is why it is good if the wheat flour has little protein content, because then the risk of overmixing the batter and generating more gluten is lower. In any case, regardless of the flour used, it is best to mix only what is necessary and just until you observe that the batter is homogeneous and with very few or no lumps.

To divide the mixture into two parts and add the unsweetened cocoa powder you can use a kitchen scale so that the amount is precise, and you have exactly half the batter of each flavor. However, it can also be done by visually calculating the amounts.

In many of my recipes I indicate that the ingredients must be at room temperature. I have found that in the case of muffins the temperature change shock is helpful in making them rise higher in the oven. In this particular recipe the buttermilk was cold from the fridge. In the case of the eggs, I did prefer to use them at room temperature because they are easier to incorporate, and you do not have to mix too much. But only with the cold buttermilk, combined with the high temperature of the oven and only the necessary mixing, I achieved some very fluffy and delicious muffins.

If you don’t have access to Buttermilk you can substitute the same amount by weight with plain unsweetened yogurt or you can even use make a substitute using regular whole milk. By this I mean you can take the same amount required in the recipe of whole milk and add 1 tablespoon of lemon juice or vinegar to it, mix and let sit for 10 minutes before using it on the muffins. This sour or curdled milk will have a consistency and acidity similar to buttermilk.

The combination of Buttermilk, oil and baking soda go a long way in making the muffins quite moist. Cocoa powder as an ingredient has the particularity that it can make the preparations have a drier crumb and with the ingredients mentioned above a good balance is achieved for a delicious result.

It is also good if the dry ingredients are sifted. Especially cocoa powder and even more if it has been stored in our cupboard for a while, since this ingredient tends to compact and form lumps. By sifting it we incorporate air into the dry ingredients and remove the possible lumps that may have formed.

For this recipe I have baked my muffins at 210°C / 410°F using the top and bottom heat function of my oven, and I placed the tray on the second oven rack, counting from the bottom up. The baking time with these specifications has been 15 minutes. Muffins are known to be done when a skewer inserted into the center comes out completely clean. If your oven only has bottom heat, you can raise the rack to the center of the oven and watch the baking time (it may take longer). If you use the convection function of your oven, it is advisable to lower the temperature to 200°C / 392°F and also monitor the baking time. Each oven is different, and the recipes will have to be adapted to their particularities.

Now after this introduction, finally the recipe.

Step by step recipe:

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Marble muffin recipe

Vanilla and chocolate muffins easy, fast and delicious.
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time15 minutes
Course: breakfast, dessert, snack
Cuisine: international
Keyword: marble muffins, muffin recipe, muffins
Servings: 12 muffins
Author: Rebeca


  • 260 g All-purpose wheat flour (1 ¾ Cup +2 Tbsp.)
  • 1 ½ Tsp. Baking powder
  • ½ Tsp. Salt
  • ½ Tsp. Bicarb of soda
  • 3 medium eggs
  • 1 Tsp. Vanilla extract
  • 200 g Sugar (1 Cup)
  • 280 ml Buttermilk (or yogurt) (1 Cup + 2 Tbsp.)
  • 140 ml Sunflower or corn oil (⅔ Cup)
  • 20 g Unsweetened Cocoa powder (2 ½ Tbsp.)


  • Preheat oven to 210°C / 410°F.
  • Prepare a 12 muffins pan with paper cups or grease it with cooking non-stick spray
  • In a large bowl, sift the flour together with the baking powder, salt and bicarbonate of soda. Mix briefly.
  • In another container add the eggs, sugar, vanilla, buttermilk and oil, mix until everything is well integrated. (notes 1)
  • Transfer the liquid ingredients to the bowl with the dry ingredients and mix (or beat with a hand whisk) just until everything is moistened and lump-free. Do not overmix.
  • Divide the batter into two equal parts separated into two containers.
  • On one of the bowls, sift the cocoa powder and mix until you obtain the chocolate batter.
  • Now the vanilla and chocolate mixtures are transferred to the muffin tin, alternating both flavors to get the marble effect. Fill each muffin cup to the top.
  • Bake in the preheated oven for about15 minutes or until a skewer inserted into the center of one of the muffins comes out clean.
  • When you take them out of the oven, let them rest for 5 minutes in the mold and then unmold them on a wire rack.
  • Let them cool completely and they are ready to enjoy.


  1. Buttermilk can be substituted for plain yogurt or whole milk. In the text of the article I indicate more details.
If desired, a glaze can be made to accompany the muffins.

I hope you like the recipe and are encouraged to try it. If so, I’d love to know.

You can send me photos on Facebook or Instagram, my username is always @poramoralhorno. It always makes me so happy to see your photos.

Thank you vey much for stopping by and I hope to see you in the next recipe.

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2 thoughts on “Marble muffins recipe – step by step”

  1. 5 stars
    Excellent, moist muffins ! They rise well, are fluffy, and beautifully coloured. I used only 150g of sugar, and they were plenty sweet! Tip : using flavoured buttermilk (or flavoured yoghurt diluted with milk) adds a nice touch.

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